Aquatic Life Wiki
Eurypterus tetragonophthalmus illustration Haeckel 1904

Illustration of E. tetragonophthalmus from Ernst Haeckel's Kunstformen der Natur, 1904.

Eurypterus tetragonophthalmus is a species of sea scorpion we have only been able to observe as fossil remains. As with any creature existing prior to written history, what we know is primarily speculation built upon visual evidence, and our knowledge of current life.


E. tetragonophthalmus has four raised scales on the posterior margin of the carapce. Appendages II to IV each have two spines on each podomere. Postabdomen has small epimera. The pretelson has large, rounded epimera with imbricate scale ornamentation at the margins. Telson has imbricate scale ornamentations at the margins of the base which become serrations towards the tip.

Name and Synonyms[]

E. tetragonophthalus was documented by Fischer in 1839 with remains examined in Estonia, and the Ukraine in Silurian rock. In 1854 Eichwald observed remains of the creation found in Silurian rock located in the Ukraine which he referred to as Eurypterus fischeri, and latter the creature was referred to as Eurypterus fischeri variant rectangularis by Schmidt in 1883 from remains found in the Silurian rock of Estonia. The name tetragonophthalus translates as four-edged eye.


E. tetragonophthalus most likely behaved in a manner akin to current living arthropods such as the horseshoe crab with equal capacity for predation, and scavaging.


-use of our knowledge of current life, and fossil remains to form logical conclusion concerning prehistoric life, in this case, the E. tetragonophthalus-

Paleoecology (Habitat)[]

E. tetragonophthalus has been found in Estonia, the Ukraine, and possibly in Romania, and Moldovia. Using tectonic plate research, and the fossil location in Silurian rock scientist speculate the E. Tetragonophthalus lived around the super-continent of Laurussia along side the earliest boned, and jaw fish.

-I'm interested in what life the creature has been found around, both fauna, and flora as it helps us in vision it's ecosystem-

